Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Who done it? Will the guilty fund please stand up?

Gosh, ya donate to one or two non-for-profits and now everyone, from Planned Parenthood to Catholic Charities including my HS, undergrad, and graduate development offices, is hittin' me up for cash. Social cause solicitation is about 60 percent of my paper mail. I feel like I've created a tax-deductible monster or I unleashed the philanthropic beast. FYI: Bills, student loan consolidation offers, zero APR introductory credit cards, and the New Yorker (God bless the New Yorker) make up the other 40 percent.

Don't get me wrong, I was a Fresh Air Fund kid, my HS and alma mater were very generous with me, but gimme 15-20 years to get past the post-graduation/real world trauma, the soul-searching, graduate school, entry-level paychecks, and make a dent into my academic loans and I'll hook you up. But in the meantime, if I send you a check please, don't tell all your friends about me.

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