Thursday, May 04, 2006

Mmmmmm. Back to normalcy.

I finished my 20-page final. Other course assignments were turned in.



Not quite.

I still have to conduct my master's project in order to be officially finished. But the course work portion of my degree is complete. I worked the hardest I could and in the manner I saw fit. It may have not been pretty. Or efficient. But it never is. The good thing is that my journalism professor gave me valuable feedback. And I'll definitely find ways to improve.

I didn't get to attend the local Mayday actions though. But I obeyed the boycott. I stayed home; deeply engrossed in my paper. I only consumed cable internet and Con Ed. (Hey, a girl's gotta live.)

I'm looking forward to moving on. All of this forced last-minute writing has got me jazzed about working on newer things. I really want to do a World Cup-themed story. I also want to send around stuff I've written to see if I could muster up any interest. For now, it's finishing waking up (I slept until 11 a.m.), return library books and videos, and hit the gym. I'm goin' swimming!

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