Tuesday, November 22, 2005

thoughts on procrastination

Sometimes it shocks me just how much time procrastinating takes up (ironically as I stop working to write this entry). It just took me ten minutes to complete a course evaluation for a seminar from LAST fall! What is it that I was waiting for?

I think procrastination is my way of prolonging school. I think there's some buried part of me that believes: "if I can't get the work in, then I'll be in school forever." I mean there's no social promotion in grad school. Well, then again there is Resident Bush...

I think my love of school is like the omnipotent UNO game Pick-4/Choose a Color card--it'll always trump my better judgement. School's sustained my interest for as long as I can remember. It's been the thing I've been good at. At home, I should clarify, just in case some current or former professors happen to read this. =)

Beginning this final year of graduate school with the prospect of never returning to an institution as an enrolled student is strange. It's like your passport expiring for good. Although this time it doesn't feel as sudden or unexpected as graduating from college. That sort of felt like skydiving without a parachute or doggy-paddling down the Niagara Falls. Okay, maybe a little too much. But it was bad.

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