Thursday, December 01, 2005

On your mark...get set...go!

The race to finish the semester is on and I'm still on the bathroom line.

No scratch that I'm on the Queensboro Plaza platform freezing my ass off and in the middle of total agitation because of the countless detours the MTA (or the Might Take All-day) has me take in order not to be that late to class.

A year and a half ago I moved from the second to last 4 train stop to Queensboro Plz area in order to be close to campus and today it took me longer to get to campus than it ever did in the Bronx. Ain't that a bitch? I gotta figure out a more environmentally-sound, efficient mode of transport or this girl's gonna get real wild.

On a another note, I got a new copy of my library card. And a little keychain barcode card. It's very exciting. I paid off a ten-year-old outstanding balance (that's right kids, I was this short to getting a segment on America's Most Wanted) for copies of Edward Scissorhands and the first Charlie and the Chocalate Factory that I never returned to a library up by my middle school.

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